Jack Skellington Pop-Up Coffin Figure with Sound (2004) - ID: 634482323960

Jack Skellington Pop-Up Coffin Figure with Sound (2004) - ID: 634482323960 Disneyana



Art Type:


Image Size: 
9"x3.25"x3", 13.5"x6"x9"
Price: $10.00
SKU: 634482323960

A pop-up figurine featuring Jack Skellington from "Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas," released by 3 in 2004. When the button on the bottom left corner is pressed, Jack pops out of the coffin to let out an unearthly howl. Measuring 9"x3.25" and 3" thick when closed, the figurine is in fine condition in the original box. Three 357A batteries are required for operation.

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